Dec 22, 2009


It was a romantic full moon when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."

Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!"
 , said Rosita.

Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged.

"But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon."
 , replied Rosita.

 "Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."

Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."

Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang.....
"Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."

Dec 15, 2009


 Just came across this exercise suggested for the over 40's to build muscle strength in the arms and shoulders. It seems so easy so I thought that I'd pass it on to some of my friends and family. The article suggested doing it three days a week.

 1. Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 2kg potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, then relax.

 2. Each day, you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 5kg potato bag. Then a 25kg potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute (I'm at this level).

 3. After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each of the bags. LOL !!

Dec 7, 2009

Bottle of Wine The Women will love this one !!

A woman and a man are involved in a car accident on a snowy, cold Monday morning; it's a bad one. Both of their cars are totally demolished, but amazingly neither of them is hurt. God works in mysterious ways.
 After they crawl out of their cars, the man is yelling about women drivers. 
 The woman says, 'So, you're a man. That's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but we're unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should be friends and live in peace for the rest of our days.'
 Flattered, the man replies, 'Oh yes, I agree completely, this must be a sign from God! But you're still at fault...women shouldn't be allowed to drive.'
 The woman continues, 'And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune.' She hands the bottle to the man.
 The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman. 
 The woman takes the bottle, puts the cap back on and hands it back to the man.
 The man asks, 'Aren't you having any?'
The woman replies, 'No. I think I'll just wait for the police...'

Women are clever and evil. Don't mess with them.

Nov 23, 2009

So Where is the Post Office ?

A little boy was waiting for his mother to come out of the grocery Store. As he waited, he was approached by a man who asked, "Son, can You tell me where the Post Office is?"

The little boy replied, "Sure! Just go straight down this street a Coupla blocks and turn to your right."

The man thanked the boy kindly and said, "I'm the new pastor in town. I'd like for you to come to church on Sunday. I'll show you how to get To Heaven."

The little boy replied with a chuckle. "Awww, bullshit... You don't Even know the way to the Post Office."

Nov 18, 2009

Six foot Tall Dark and Handsome

After a long day at work, Finally got home and there he was eyeballing me from the rafters, a beautiful Carpet Python has much to the dismay of the three cats taken up residence in our Carport.

Well why not let him stay, as well as our own cats, horses, Jungle Python and Blue tongue Lizard we seem to share with next doors chooks and  the lady down the roads dogs so what's another Python to the menagerie.

Nov 14, 2009

Nov 12, 2009

Kafritsas says it's high time to dive back into the Surf the Hi Surf that is !

Okay in todays Gold Coast Bulletin I read the following story:
GOLD Coast businessman Greg Kafritsas hopes to buy back the management rights to Hi Surf after the company he sold it to went into receivership.
The Surfers Paradise hotel is one of seven management rights that are subject to a tender campaign at the behest of receivers. Mr Kafritsas's offer, which has been lodged with receivers KordaMentha, needs body corporate approval before the deal is cemented.

Ten companies linked to Prime Apartments Hotels and Resorts (PAHR) moved into receivership earlier this year owing $12.5 million. Tony Freeman and Peter Bellomo are directors of each company.

Mr Kafritsas said that he was owed almost $700,000 by one of the companies. The management rights operator, who runs Outrigger Resort at Burleigh Heads and Club Surfers, said he wanted to buy back the rights to a hotel he loved.

He said he hoped the move would see him recoup the money he lost.

NOW HERE IS THE PROBLEM: Can anyone confirm this: I heard on the Grapevine that Tony Freeman is using his influence on family members who are on the Board of the Body Corporate to block this from happening. If this is true then shame on you Tony Freeman.

Source for main story and photo:

Nov 9, 2009

The Old Railway Shack Over there !

It's Sunday the sun is out and we are sitting in the back courtyard with fresh brewed coffee and Apple Danish. "I tried to imagine it in my head as she explained it", She lived in the old railway shack just over the back there, she pointed to the fence at the back of the property, there was a young couple that lived in the shack next door and they had a young boy and it always made her worry because he was so young and there were a lot of trains around when she lived there.
The Dad was a hard worker, and the Mum was a nice lady, she was home all day. She didn't know what happened to them, but she hoped they were okay wherever they went.

We will never know because they didn't exist, this was a story from Mum when we visited her yesterday, she has been diagnosed with that ugly, ugly disease Dementia.

Nov 5, 2009

Good Food and Wine Show

This Weekend don't miss the Good Food & Wine Show at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale Road & Glenelg Street, Brisbane. Friday 6 November: 10am - 6pm
Saturday 7 November: 10am - 6pm Sunday 8 November: 10am - 5pm.

Go to to book your tickets.

Learn to cook like the experts with the experts. Gain an appreciation of wine at the informative Riedel Decanter Bar. Experience a world of new taste sensations at the Good Food & Wine Show. Discover mouth watering recipes, see live cooking demonstrations and sample some of Australia’s best produce.

Oct 27, 2009

Seniors on a Road Trip !!!

While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch. After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant, and resumed their trip. When leaving, the elderly woman unknowingly left her glasses on the table, and she didn't miss them until they had been driving for about forty minutes. By then, to add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a distance before they could find a place to turn around, in order to return to the restaurant to retrieve her glasses.

All the way back, the elderly husband became the classic grouchy old man. He fussed and complained, and scolded his wife relentlessly during the entire return drive. The more he chided her, the more agitated he became. He just wouldn't let up for a single minute. To her relief, they finally arrived at the restaurant. As the woman got out of the car, and hurried inside to retrieve her glasses, the old geezer yelled to her, “While you're in there, you might as well get my hat and the credit card.”

This coming week is National Senior Mental Health Week. You can do your part by remembering to contact at least one unstable Senior to show you care.

Well — my job is done.

Sep 28, 2009


The national pay protector has helped secure $10,000 back-pay for a young radio journalist who performed the work of a graded journalist but was incorrectly classified and paid as a cadet.

The young female journalist worked part-time in Tweed Heads for Radio 97AM, 104.1FM and 103.5FM.
The Fair Work Ombudsman helped the journalist launch a small claims application in the Chief Industrial Magistrate’s Court of NSW against her former employer, Tweed Radio and Broadcasting Co Pty Ltd.A Fair Work inspector also made submissions on her behalf in court.

Chief Industrial Magistrate Gregory Hart ruled that the 25-year-old should have been paid as a graded journalist, rather than a cadet, because of the nature of the duties she performed.
He ordered the company to reimburse her $10,000.

Chief Industrial Magistrate Hart found that for most of the time the journalist was on duty, she was the only person in the newsroom and it was clear she “was not receiving training or any significant supervision.”
He found her “duties went well beyond that of simply reading the news bulletins and extended to the research, preparation and drafting of such bulletins”.

Further, the Court was “satisfied that she was given tasks to perform which were the tasks that would normally be performed by a Journalist Grade 1, Band 1” under the Commercial Radio – Journalists Award 1999.

“The Award itself provides that in the case of regular part-time work, the lowest rate of pay is that set for a Journalist Grade 2 under Band 1,” Chief Industrial Magistrate Hart found.
He ruled that the journalist’s pay should have been based on the minimum hourly rate for a Grade 2 journalist ($18.77), rather than the cadet rate ($13.35).

Fair Work Ombudsman NSW Director Mark Davidson says the case highlights the care employers need to ensure they classify employees correctly.

“We were happy to help this young woman secure this significant amount of back-pay, but ideally she should have been classified correctly in the first place,” he said.



Gold Coast mortgage broking firm and its director have been fined a total of $24,000 for failing to pay three financial consultants any wages for almost two months work.

Dracook International Pty Ltd was fined $20,000 in the Federal Magistrates Court in Brisbane yesterday and ordered to back-pay the workers a total of $13,644 in wages, annual leave entitlements and interest.

Dracook International owner-manager Robert Cooke was fined $4000 after he admitted his involvement in the underpayments.

Cooke contracted the three underpaid consultants to work full-time for Dracook International from 11 March, 2008 - but the men resigned on 2 May because they had not been paid.

Yesterday’s fines and underpayment order are the result of a prosecution by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
Fair Work Ombudsman Queensland Director Julie Wade says the case should serve as a warning that individuals, as well as companies, who breach workers’ rights will be held accountable.

“We will not hesitate to pursue individuals who do the wrong thing by their employees,” Ms Wade said.
The Fair Work Ombudsman promotes harmonious, productive and co-operative workplaces. It also monitors compliance and investigates breaches of national workplace laws.


Sep 23, 2009


It's like What the ???

This guy forces 2 Thai women to work as prostitutes and then wants to appeal his conviction (a lousy 5 years) on the grounds his legal counsel wrongly instructed him to plead guilty. Oh give us a break surely the legal system doesn't need time to think about this one; but yes they do they have adjourned it till 30 September.

(Scumbag) Keith William Dobie, 49, was jailed for five years in December for luring two women to Queensland from Thailand using fake immigration documents and then forcing them to have sex with up to five men a day.

Instead of the lucrative wages and luxury living conditions the women were promised, he paid them just $20 a day.

Dobie's barrister Sam Di Carlo (personally should be embarrassed in his position) told the court his client had a lack of understanding of what the plea of guilty meant for himself and there was an absence of instructions from his lawyers at the time.

All the evidence was there this (low life) clearly abused these women and trafficked them for sex on the Gold Coast and his appeal has been adjourned surely there is no thought required on a decision here.


Follow us on Twitter we are going to say what we think and what you think on LoveGoldCoast isn't it about time.

If we hear it on the Love Gold Coast Grapevine we will repeat it, so follow our blog if we post a story that is proven right or wrong we will let you know with follow ups.


Love Gold Coast Grapevine Latest:

Advice from an anonymous follower:

Robert Anthony Cooke is a failed want to be property developer.

He also hails from the Gold Coast (Ociana Appartments Burleigh Esplanade) His roots were in McDonalds. He owned Two stores in Melbourne, sold them for millions now he has lost the lot including wife, family and friends.

Have you been burnt by his Dracook property scam. If so email and make sure he is deregistered as a company director to protect others.

Sep 21, 2009


I read the story in an email ages ago and wasn't sure if it was true but now thanks to all the information available on the internet and like everyone say's 'Google it' so I did and the story was confirmed as true.

Molly, was a pony abandoned by her owners when Katrina hit South Louisiana. She was by herself for weeks, finally being rescued and taken to a farm where all the abandoned animals were being herded to.

While on the farm Molly was attacked by a pit bull terrier, it gnawed her leg so badly it became infected, Vet Surgeon's noticed that while injured Molly was careful and moved from side to side so that she did not get sores, she allowed people to handle her and protected her injured leg and constantly shifted her weight and didn't overload her good leg. Molly now has a Prosthetic leg and is an inspiration to all that need hope.


Sep 17, 2009

Australia Top of the List for Timeshare Holidays

Geoff Ballotti, CEO for Group RCI, said Australia's timeshare development industry would continue to grow because of the high demand from the States.

"Australia is actually the most demanded place. Out of our 4400 resorts, people want to come to Australia more than anywhere else," said Mr Ballotti.

"The biggest market for timeshare is America and the least visited vacation destination for Americans is Australia.
"Australia is important to us for that simple reason. Because there is such a demand for Australia we are optimistic the big brands will want to develop here."

He also said that the Gold Coast, the heart of the nation's timeshare industry, was vital to the growth of the product in Australia.

He said Americans had smothered the industry, while Australians still did not realise its full value.

Mr Balloti is attending the Australian timeshare conference being held on the Gold Coast this week.

Sep 15, 2009


After striking a deal with his creditors MFS LIMITED'S founder and polo enthusiast, Michael King, has dodged bankruptcy over $130 million of debts.

King is now locked into an agreement that will require him to make undisclosed payments to his creditors who last month quietly agreed to a two-year ''personal insolvency agreement'' with the founder of the financial group, which collapsed last year owing more than $1 billion.

According to documents filed to the insolvency trustee, King's assets include a laptop and iPod music player (worth a collective $800) and some watches and a wedding ring worth $2000. The former BRW rich lister also had $60.26 in a Commonwealth Bank account and minus $23,442.51 in another account.

Funny, the Canungra property in the Gold Coast Hinterland purchased by King for mor than $6M was not included in the documents filed as an assett of King's, this is now his Polo Farm, Elysian Fields.  Given the polo field is held in trust on behalf of King, it would have been out of reach of creditors had the MFS founder been declared bankrupt.

Under the deal struck with creditors last month, the farm has been included. The trustee has declined to provide details, stressing that creditors could expect to get more out of King through the deal than if he had been declared bankrupt.

All you can say to the Creditors is Good Luck on this on this one !
source: WA Times

Now from the grapevine to be confirmed - Heard that Michael King was involved with the management of a Polo Team included in the competion held at the Packer owned Ellerston Polo, conducted near Scone, New South Wales.  Surely it would be costing him a minimum $100,000 per season to manage a Polo Team.


He was ony 24 when Gold Coast's Daniel Tzvetkoff made it on the BRW Rich list a year ago. Now his $82M wealth has dwindled to a $60M debt and all his asset's are going in fire sales.

One asset is Maximus, shown here a luxurious one-year-old 30m Horizon 98 super yacht he bought for $7.5 million.

It's up for grabs this Saturday so you could get a bargain as the National Bank want it sold.

"We've had more than 100 inquiries from around Australia, but the majority by far have come from Sydney," said Adrian Seiffert of Brisbane's Marine Auctions. "It could go for an absolute bargain."
Click here for Auction details being held this Saturday 19 September, 2008 at 11am.

Sep 3, 2009

Australian Outback Spectacular 2

If you haven't seen the current show then your time is running out Australian Outback Spectacular 1 ends on Saturday 12th September, 2009.

Tickets to the new show, Australian Outback Spectacular 2 – ‘Heroes of the Light Horse’; commencing Tuesday 22 September 2009 are now available for sale.  The official opening night of Thursday 1 October will not be available for sale. 
In line with the launch of the exciting new dinner show – ‘Heroes of the Light Horse’; Australian Outback Spectacular will also introduce, for the first time since opening in 2006, a brand new 12.30pm matinee lunch show. The matinee show will be available for sale on selected Sundays commencing Sunday 27th September 2009. 
The new show will be running to the same time format as the old show and is also a 3 course dinner show with Beer, Wine and Soft drinks served during the show. 
The new show will be a tribute to the Heroes of the Light Horse and will retain all the fun, charm and skill of the original, but with a new story line.

Good news - the price will be the same.

You won't want to miss this.

Sep 2, 2009

Tastes of Gold Coast

All you Food Lovers on the Gold Coast this will be an event you won't want to miss, this weekend.

Next step on the Tastes of Gold Coast to come: Cooking Workshop

Chris McIntyre of the Titanium Bar, Brian Meade of the Gold Coast Arts Centre and Paul Smart of Room 81 -Sofitel Broadbeach, will create some of their signature dishes for the Cooking Workshop. Each chef will prepare 3 sumptuous courses live on stage, whilst they discuss and teach the recipes and cooking techniques before your eyes.

Don't miss it at the Gold Coast Arts Centre 135 Bundall Road coming up this Saturday the 5th of September at 10:30 am. 

Farmer Dave is the Lamb Sponsor for the event and will be there to explain the benefits of buying local sustainable products and share eliminating stories of life on the land. 

To book please call the box office 07 5588 4000 or online at

Aug 29, 2009

Cooking Flair at the Farmers' Markets

Six of the Marina Mirage's centre's finest chefs cooked up and served a storm at the fortnightly Marina Mirage Farmers' Markets today.

Market regulars and anyone else luckily to be there had a chance to learn from the Marina Mirage-based chefs from 8am until midday with free cooking demonstrations, a one-off event which was a part of the Tastes of Gold Coast annual food and wine festival.

Chefs Richard Burt of Fellini, Sam `The Wok Man' Hue, Diva Tea and Coffee House's Steve Loving, Benjamin Machonacie of Saks Restaurant and Bar, John Omeros of Omeros Brothers and Karl Knack of Glass Dining and Lounge Bar were the stars of the show.

All of the food craftsmen used produce and gourmet food from the market stalls.

Aug 27, 2009

Community Recycle Phone Program

Raise $5.00 for WaterAid Australia or the Animal Welfare League! Don't Dump your old Phones!

 In the lead up to National Water Week, 18 – 24 October 2009, Gold Coast Water is asking you to participate in the Community Recycle Phone Program.The program is designed to encourage the Gold Coast community to dispose their unused mobile phones, BlackBerrys, Palm Pilots, iPods or PDAs responsibly by donating them at Gold Coast City Council drop-off points throughout the city.

This will help reduce the leakage of environmentally hazardous materials and raise $5.00 for WaterAid Australia or the Animal Welfare League.

Items below are recycled through the Australian Recycling Program, an Australian mobile phone recycling program that helps clean up the environment.
  • Mobile phones (batteries and accessories)
  • BlackBerrys
  • Palm Pilots
  • iPods
  • PDAs
Click here to see the list of drop off points located around the Gold Coast

Aug 24, 2009

What's the most weirdest street on the Gold Coast ?

Every suburb has one at least, bizarre architecture or eccentric residents that make it look a bit odd with too much character.

Or it could be a street that carries local legends and history surrounding it.

Perhaps it just has a really whacky street name !

Post your answer to: What's the most weirdest street on the Gold Coast ?

What is the Gold Coast's "Best Worst" Bar ?

What Bar on the Gold Coast feels like it has been misplaced to you, or just seems like the "Best Worst" Bar that no matter what or how seedy it gets it still attracts attention and everybody ends up there.

Post your answer to: What is the Cold Coast's "Best Worst" Bar ?

Who serves the best Breakfast on the Gold Coast

Who serves the best all day breakfast on the Gold Coast ?

Where do you like to go for brekkie, It may not be the food it could be the location that you love.

So where do you go, what's your favourite place for Breakfast ?

Post your answer to: Who serves the best Breakfast on the Gold Coast?

Aug 21, 2009

Farmers Markets on the Gold Coast

Banora Point
First and third Sunday of each month
Club Banora Leisure Drive
Open 7am to 11am Phone: 0417 759 777

Beaudesert General Market
First Saturday of each month
Dick Westerman Park
Enterprise Drive
Open 7am to 12 noon Phone: (07) 5544 8200

Third Sunday of each month
Old Beechmont School site
Corner Beechmont and Binna Burra Roads
Open 8am to 12noon Phone: (07) 5533 3057

Every Sunday Showgrounds
Corner James and Milne Street
Open 6am to 12 noon Phone: (07) 3807 1871

Every Sunday
Gold Coast Turf Club
Racecourse Drive
Open 6am to 11am Phone: 0407 325

Carrara Markets
Every Friday
Carrara Markets
Cnr Gooding Dve & Manchester Road
Open 7am to 1pm Phone: (07) 5579 9388

Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
Every Saturday
Tomewin Street
Open 6am to 11am Phone: 0417 759 777

Marina Mirage
First, third and fifth Saturday of the month
Marina Mirage
74 Seaworld Drive,
Main Beach
Open 7am to 12 noon Phone: (07) 3103 2325

Every Sunday
Miami State High School
2137-2036 Gold Coast Highway
Open 6am to 11.30am Phone: 1300 668 603 (Australia only)

Second and fourth Saturday of each month
Mudgeeraba Showgrounds
Corner of Mudgeeraba and Worongary Roads
Open 6am to 11am Phone: (07) 5525 3525

Every Sunday
Lavelle Street
Open 6.30am to 11am Phone: 0417 728 844

Palm Beach Currumbin Farmers Market
Every Saturday,
6am to 11am Palm Beach Currumbin State High School
Thrower Drive Open 7am to 12.30pm Phone: 0407 325 330

Tamborine Mountain
Every Sunday
Local Producers' Markets
Tamborine Mountain Showgrounds
Main Western Road
Open 8am to 12 noon Phone: (07) 5545 2617

17 Days of Delicious

Prepare your tastebuds all you food and wine enthusiasts on the Coast here comes 17 days of tantalising and the fun starts today at the launch of the Tastes of the Gold Coast festival.

The annual festival officially kicks off with the mouth-watering Magnifique Premiere event at the Sofitel in Broadbeach.

You'll get to see all the wining and dining the Coast has to offer, with more than 30 events scheduled over the next two weeks.

Today's Sofitel premiere has been designed to show one of the city's more luxurious dining experiences.

Room 81's head chef Paul Smart and restaurant manager Martina Minkner are the brains behind the drinks and dishes and will use an array of local produce.
The event begins at 7pm.

Sunday's Broadwater Street Festival might be more to your liking, It is expected to attract more than 1,000 people to Labrador's Marine Parade in one of the largest events of the festival.

The Tastes of the Gold Coast winds up on September 6.

Aug 5, 2009

Broadbeach Blends of Jazz

You will be dancing in streets !

Blends of Jazz is just around the corner you won't want to miss it kicking off on Thursday 20th August 9.30pm with JAMES MORRISON at Conrad Jupiters Atrium.

Saturday 22nd August will be a huge day for all you Jazz fans click here for a full list of Artists and the program for live Jazz throughout the Broadbeach precinct over four massive days!

Aug 4, 2009

Stella announces a major restructure

The tourism and travel group, now owned by private equity player CVC Asia Pacific, has been split in two and its debts comfortably refinanced on long-term agreements.

The hotel brands BreakFree, Mantra and Pepper have been separated from the travel operations, which include Harvey World Travel and Travelscene.

The hotel business is now headquartered on the Gold Coast, where Stella has a staff of 250 and its hotel chains have 3500 employees.

Current Stella Hospitality Group boss Bob East will remain in the chief executive's role, in a move he said paved the way for the Gold Coast to rebuild its shattered corporate image.

Mr East said the plan was to boost Stella's existing portfolio of 140 properties and create a major force in the hotel accommodation industry.

Mr East, who has been with Stella for the past three years, said there were 'many benefits' operating a tourism business on the Gold Coast, where almost a third of the company's properties were located.

"It's not because I like the beach," he said. "It is a different environment to Sydney. It is innovative and quite dynamic.

"It's the best place to run a tourism business."

Councils come and go, the sooner the better

On his sugarcane farm in Woongoolba, Barry Kriedemann believes he has the perfect spot for a Gold Coast motor racing track but the council is getting in the way.

The nearest neighbour is a kilometre away and locals are already used to the noise of rumbling cane trucks and kids whizzing around on trail bikes.

The State Government's own South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 permits sport and recreation such as motor racing in the area but Gold Coast City Council's planning scheme does not and has limited his property to agriculture.

Therein lies the problem for Mr Kriedemann and any interested motor racing clubs.

A council spokeswoman said the council's zoning took precedence over State Government classification.

Our Council is full of bureaucrats who take home huge salaries, this is a very sensible plan and it should be allowed, unfortunately our Council think they know better.

Jul 29, 2009

Well Hello Sailors !

We need a cruise ship terminal, we need one on the Gold Coast.

5000 US sailors and marines will arrive this week after three US Navy ships docked in Brisbane yesterday.

Last night hundreds from the USS Essex, USS Denver and USS McCampbell flocked to the Glitter Strip to soak up the Surfers Paradise night life.

Ten uniformed marines, sailors and Australian naval personnel were on shore patrol to keep an eye over the men and women enjoying their hard-earned breaks.

Imagine how many more would be here if we had the terminal.

Jul 27, 2009

Hot Bikram yoga at Burleigh Heads

Bikram yoga (or hot yoga as I like to call it!) is really a life changing experience. Having tried most forms of exercise, and over time losing interest in all, I have finally found the ultimate outlet for both body and mind. Having tried traditional yoga with little enjoyment, it took a lot of convincing by a friend to try this form of yoga, and in a stinking hot room!
Note: stinking- I will get back to later!
So quite reluctantly I went along for my first 90 minute session in a room heated to 37 degrees Celsius, and awkwardly attempted all 26 postures. Each lesson the lithe and glowing instructor reminds first timer's that this will be a life changing experience, and this could not be more true! Regardless of my very limited flexibility and aversion to profuse sweating, I came out of there with more feel good chemicals racing around than I have ever experienced. My heart beat to a new tune, and my skin glowed like I had just returned from two weeks in Tahiti. No sooner had I left the room, I was planning my next visit!. Since this time I have become a complete devotee of Bikram yoga, and you don't have to be Jane Fonda to enjoy! I still can't touch my toes but that does not stop me from getting the best workout I have ever experienced.

Note: I probably should prepare anyone thinking of trying it out that there is certain amount of 'pong' you may first experience when entering, however you quickly get used to it and it has yet to deter even my fussiest friends.

The studio in Burleigh is currently the only Bikram offered on the Gold Coast. This week will see it relocating to newer, larger and apparently fresher premises. You would really be doing yourself a favour to give it a try sometime soon. To check out location and times go to

Jul 26, 2009

Big Wheel will see HTCM in Court

THE owner of a Ferris wheel that was to soar high over Harbour Town has lodged legal action to recoup $390,000 he says was lost when the shopping centre cancelled the project at the last minute.
The giant wheel was to go up in the carpark of the Biggera Waters shopping centre in January but was halted at the last minute when Mayor Ron Clarke asked for further council investigations into the approval of the 15-storey structure.
Mr Jackson said he spent time and money promoting the wheel, had signs made up to direct crowds, installed fencing, sought private planning advice and organised insurance in the lead-up to signing a lease with HTCM.

Jul 24, 2009

Biggest International Visitor decline in 20 years

The Tourism Forecasting Committee forecasts the number of international visitor arrivals to Australia to decrease 4.0%, the biggest decline since 1989, when arrivals fell 7.5% after the strike by Australian pilots.

The current ordeals of the Australian tourism industry come more from the recent poor performance of the domestic tourism segment.

Factors driving Australian tourism The Australian tourism industry continues to face major macroeconomic headwinds, with all major economies already in or entering recession. TFC modelling is largely based on changes to world and domestic economic growth prospects and exchange rates, with initial results suggesting a sharp fall in international tourism arrivals to Australia and tourism activity by Australian residents in 2009. This section provides a summary of changes to the main factors (including economic) driving these forecasts compared with the assumptions used in the December 2008 release of Forecast, including several factors which will limit the negative impact of the global recession.
Click here to see the full report from Tourism Forecasting Committee.

Jul 22, 2009

Broadbeach restaurant Week

There is still time to dine at those fantastic restaurants during Broadbeach Restaurant Week it runs till 26th July 2009, during this week you will be able to know exactly what your meal is gong to cost before you even sit down. There is well over 30 Restaurants to choose from catering to all tastes and cuisines - take the family and john the great atmosphere in and around Broasbeach.

Jul 20, 2009

Gold Coast Hotels Slashing Prices

Colliers International's latest statistics show Gold Coast Hotel occupancy sitting at 66.6 percent meaning it has dropped 3.8 percent on last year. The affects of the Global financial downturn are hitting the Gold Coast hard as it is tourism-reliant. Great news is Hotels are slashing their prices so now's your chance to book yourself a holiday for a really cheap rate even if you live on the Gold Coast the family would love to spend a week in a Resort the money you would save on traveling elsewhere can be spent on some fun for the family. Book Your Accommodation Online here.

Jul 17, 2009

Nuttall Sentenced

Gordon Nuttall was found guilty of 36 counts of receiving secret commissions totalling $360,000 between 2002 and 2005 from two businessmen, Ken Talbot and Harold Shand. Chief Judge Patsy Wolfe delivered a sentence of 7 years in the Brisbane District Court this morning. Nuttall will be eligible for parole after two-and-a-half years (small price to pay for crime). His family told him 'good luck' and 'be strong' as he was being escorted out of the courtroom, instead they should have told him 'do the crime do the time'. Now his Solicitor is considering an appeal.

Jul 16, 2009

Origin III where were all the Fans !!

Last nights game couldn't crack an audience of 2 Million.

Seems most Aussie's were more interested in seeing New South Wales sales executive Justine Schofield be eliminated from Masterchef than see New South Wales defeat Queensland 28-16 the game only drew an audience of 1.9 Million while an audience of 2.23 Million enjoyed watching the Masterchef elimination.

Another Gold Coast Winner

Joel Parkinson has taken out the Billabong Pro at South Africa's Jeffreys Bay, he last won the event there 10 years ago as a wildcard. Heading towards victory at the World title Joel has now won three of the first five events this year to build a 1,404 point lead and is being trailed by CJ Hobgood, with Brazilian Adriano de Souza, Australian Taj Burrow and Damien Hobgood rounding out the top five.

Another disappointing tournament for nine-time world champion Kelly Slater, who lost to Taylor Knox in the third round.

His result in South Africa leaves Slater in eighth place and he knows his chances of a tenth world crown are slipping away.

Surfers now have a break before the next stop on the world tour, which is at Trestles in Southern California in September.

Jul 14, 2009

Split the Bill

Gold Coast Bulletin in partnership with Gold Coast Cabs is bringing the split the bill concept to the Gold Coast. The Melbourne Herald Sun has been doing it for more than 15 years promoting Restaurants to their locals giving them exclusive dining opportunities, Split the Bill on the Gold Coast runs from 17 June 2009 through to 6 September 2009 so don't miss out there is still time to enjoy click here for full information from Gold Coast Bulletin. Your chance to dine out for half price.

Jul 10, 2009

Haunted on Hedges

Could it be haunted, or maybe each owner is just plain unlucky,
Tony Smith had to sell it unfinished and now it looks like Daniel Tzvetkoff will have to do the same. Who will be the lucky one to finish it or will it forever be cursed to doom each owner as they take it on.

Queensland Oil Spill

There is little the Government can do to legally recover the full costs for the clean up after the Pacific Adventurer's 270 Tonne oil spill, which totalled at least $34M. Anna Bligh said if there is any way the Queensland Government could recoup the money through the courts, such a claim would go ahead. In the meantime Pacific Adventurer has been renamed Pacific Mariner and is back out there moving cargo.

Whats On in July 2009 on the Gold Coast

24 to 26 July 2009
Yellow Pages
Gold Coast Home Show and Outdoor Adventure Expo at Parklands Gold Coast. A fun family day can be had by all plenty to see plenty to do and free entertainment. Entry pay once and attend all weekend.

25 & 26 July 2009
Splendour in the Grass Belongil Fields Byron Bay. Annual Music, Arts and youth culture event.
As well as the latest and best in music from Australia and overseas, the festival also features local arts and crafts, creative performance and cuisine
. Accommodation filling fast Click here to book Accommodation for this event.

30 July 2009
The Australian Ballet presents The Dancers Company at the Gold Coast Arts Centre.
The Dancers Company is The Australian Ballet’s regional touring group, comprising guest artists of The Australian Ballet alongside graduating students from The Australian Ballet School.