Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" , said Rosita.
Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged.
"But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." , replied Rosita.
"Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."
Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."
Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang.....
"Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."
Aw-w-w-w! Your chihuahuas are SO CUTE! I linked to your Twitter page and thought I was looking at my former home, Miami Beach, FLORIDA, USA.
ReplyDeleteThen I noticed the mountains in the distance! Oops! Florida is flat as a pancake as you probably know.
Have a wonderful 2010!
Ellen Kimball/ @Radio_Lady
Blogging at: http://ellenkimball.blogspot.com