One of the things you dread a fire, yep got the call at 1.30am this morning a smoke alarm was going off on the 28th floor of the Resort and had been for thirty minutes.
Oh golly I check the in-house list and it's not one of my units, but I'm on my way up there to assess the situation, The caller is at his door when he hears the lift bell go and I step out "it's not me" he say's and I head to the unit where I can hear the alarm coming from loud and clear it's the one.
I knock no answer, I open the door and the smoke just gushed out, oh shoot I head towards the Kitchen yelling out is there anyone home! and I see ahead of me in the lounge room a couch with the silhouette of a head, my first thought is Terror! he's dead, he didn't move when I yelled.
I go past the kitchen see the fire on the stove out of the corner of my eye as I head to him on the couch, grab his wrist,find a pulse, he's alive just asleep, Wholly shit I again see the stove on fire behind him while I'm doing this, I try to wake him up he doesn't stir, I run into the Kitchen and grab whatever I can find to kill this fire, I run back try to shake the shit out of this guy, C'mon Matey your house is on fire, please wake up and help me, no luck ! I go to the balcony open the door, I head back to the Kitchen whacking the fire with tea towels! I head back to old Matey shake him again and finally he wakes up, and all he could say was "Well this is pretty embarrassing" he fell asleep while cooking fish fingers under the griller. In the meantime I head home stinking of smoke, and hit the shower at 3am in the morning. :)
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